Student Engagement

中国赌博平台努力在一个健康和充满活力的校园体验中提供学生参与的机会. 这是通过培养具有社区意识的领导者和创造多样化和包容性的项目来实现的,同时帮助学生建立终身的关系.

HSU Esports The purpose shall be to promote eSports, competitively and casually, through the club, intramurals, and competitions with other colleges.
SABERS SABERS is the oldest student activities board on the Hardin-Simmons campus. Established in 2008, SABERS became the face of Student Activities, spearheading many of HSU’s traditional and social events. Through their involvement in SABERS, students learn how to plan, advertise, and implement events for their fellow students. To become a SABER, you must have prior leadership experience through a student activities leadership group, and participate in our membership application and interview process.
Alpha Iota Omega 我们的宗旨是促进和发展基督徒姊妹情谊,并鼓励和支持HSU.
Delta The purpose of Delta Social Club shall be to cultivate an awareness of the need for finesse and refinement in every social situation; to make through social relationships a contribution to the spirit of the University and to promote school loyalty; as well as instilling a sense of leadership through participation in all activities of the organization.
Kappa Phi Omega Kappa Phi Omega是一个男性社交俱乐部,致力于为各行各业的男性提供一个俱乐部,让他们提高自己,成长为上帝创造的人.
Sigma Alpha 本组织的宗旨是促进具有高尚道德标准的妇女之间的基督教团契和密切的姐妹情谊. We will support all campus activities and show loyalty toward Hardin-Simmons University.
Theta Alpa Zeta The purpose of Theta Alpha Zeta is to nurture a brotherhood of men of all races, religions, and backgrounds. We will promote faith and good moral character, cultivate personal growth and development, and encourage excellence in academic endeavors.  We aim to develop and improve leadership skills and conduct worthwhile service projects.  We will also promote interaction with members of other organizations
Phi Phi Phi “My Purpose is that they might be encouraged in heart and united in love, 好叫他们充足的财物、完全的聪明、可以晓得神的奥秘, namely Christ.” -Colossians 2:2
Zeta Omega Phi (ZOO) The purpose of Zeta Omega Phi is to be a brotherhood bounded by faith. 我们社交俱乐部的目标是为哈丁·西蒙斯大学的男性提供一个社区,并为成员提供一个安全的空间,让他们成为他们想成为的人.
Proven 通过创建一个发展文化认同和鼓励包容的社区,同时坚持中文博彩平台的基督教道德和政策,促进非裔美国学生群体的成功和发展.
Sangre 通过创建一个发展文化认同和鼓励包容的社区,同时坚持中文博彩平台的基督教道德和政策,促进拉丁美洲学生群体的成功和发展.
International Student Fellowship 国际学生奖学金的目的是建立一个对HSU校园国际社会充满热情的人的奖学金.
African Student Union
Phi Alpha (Sigma Beta) A local chapter of Phi Alpha National Honor Society, 目的是在学生之间建立更紧密的联系,促进人道主义的目标和理想, while fostering high standards of education in the social work field.
Social Work Club 社工社通过参与校园活动为学生提供发展机会, community, 以及通过服务促进所有人的公平和正义的专业活动, advocacy, and action.
Pre-Health Club HSU预科健康俱乐部是一个致力于帮助本科生在健康领域追求事业的组织.
Kappa Pi Art Honor Society 卡帕派的目的是为每个参与的人营造一个友好的艺术氛围, to encourage one another and to help each other out, and have fun as an organization.
Pre-PT The purpose of the Pre-Physical Therapy Club is to provide guidance, support, 并通过主题演讲对所有希望从事物理治疗和职业治疗事业的大学生进行教育, demonstrations, guest lectures, and community tours.
Alpha Phi Omega 这是Alpha Phi Omega的愿景,被公认为首屈一指的以服务为基础的领导力发展组织. 这是阿尔法披欧米茄的使命,通过服务准备校园和社区领袖. Alpha Phi Omega的价值观是发展领导力,促进友谊和提供服务. The OBJECTIVES of Alpha Phi Omega are Share, Grow, Improve and Invest.
PACK PACK致力于为美国每一个与癌症作斗争的孩子提供一顶帽子,并支持领导与儿童癌症作斗争的非营利组织.
Circle K Circle K的愿景和目标是成为学院和大学校园内领先的全球社区服务组织,丰富世界, one child and one community at a time.
Gamma Beta Phi
HScrU hscu通过基督强调嘻哈的完整性,通过舞蹈提供力量和勇气,通过运动来服务积极性和精神启蒙,从而吸收我们多样化的社区信仰.
HGT: Hunters, Gatherers & Travelers 这个组织的目的是提供一个紧密团结和鼓励的社区,促进像基督一样的生活方式,同时通过保护来欣赏上帝的创造, travel, 以及在美国国家公园和中文博彩平台的背景下进行的探索.
ESSA 濒危物种和避难所意识俱乐部通过提高对濒危物种和当地避难所的认识和资金来促进学生的友谊.
Alpha Psi Omega  National theater honor society
HSSM Research Society
Crafts and Laughs
Cowboy Country (Swing Dancing Club) HSU Cowboy Country is a club surrounded in communication through dance. We host lessons every Tuesday and Thursday to teach anyone and everyone how to dance. We are a performance-based club that dances and performs for different events on campus.

We love to help students create organizations that enhance the Hardin-Simmons experience. Once you review the list of current organizations and do not see any that pertain to you, 毫不犹豫地联系学生活动办公室,帮助你创建一个符合你兴趣的组织. It’s pretty easy process!

Here are the steps in creating a new organization:

  1. Meet with Corinne Whitaker, Coordinator for Clubs and Organizations, to discuss proposed student organization. Please set up a meeting by emailing
  2. Meet minimum requirements to start an organization:
    1. 6人(会长1人、副会长1人、秘书1人、司库1人、委员2人)
    2. One advisor (faculty or staff member). *Advisor can only serve in an advisor role for 2 groups maximum.
    3. Constitution
    4. Roster
  3. Fill out Student Organization Application and submit it for review (allow for a two week turn around time).
  4. Complete Student Organization Advisor Form. Email Corinne Whitaker for form to complete.
  5. Create constitution (Student Organization Constitution Template) and roster.
  6. 通过电子邮件与科琳·惠特克安排一次会议,讨论任何问题、顾虑或考虑 In the email, please include Advisor form, Constitution and roster.

以下是为目前参与活跃的学生组织的学生提供的资源. 如果您需要更多信息,请联系科琳·惠特克 for assistance.

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